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Ultrasonic Processor Ultrasonic Cytolysis Instrument Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator Homogenizer For Dispersing

  • 概述

3024 xb 4 - Ultrasonic Processor Ultrasonic Cytolysis Instrument Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator Homogenizer For DispersingUltrasonic crusher is a device that uses the high-frequency vibration of ultrasound to break, disperse, emulsify, and mix substances. The principle is to use the high-frequency vibration of ultrasound to act on substances, causing the bonds between substance molecules to break, thereby achieving the goals of fragmentation, dispersion, and so on. Its main working principle is to use high-frequency vibration force to break the sample into small particles and disperse these particles into the solution. The working principle of the ultrasonic crusher will be introduced in detail below. The generation of ultrasound refers to sound waves with frequencies higher than 20kHz, which cannot pass through ordinary sound due to their frequencies exceeding the audible range of humans (20Hz~20kHz)


Ultrasonic cell crusher, also known as ultrasonic microwave synergistic extraction instrument, ultrasonic cell lysis instrument, ultrasonic nanomaterial crusher. The ultrasonic cell fragmentation instrument consists of two main parts: an ultrasonic generator and a transducer (some are equipped with sound barriers).

類型 請HLCSB100 請HLCSB200 請HLCSB300
頻率 20千 赫 20千 赫

20千 赫

權力 100W 200W


Ultrasonic Processor Ultrasonic Cytolysis Instrument Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator Homogenizer For Dispersing




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