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Sonicator 20K 2000W Laboratory Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor Homogenizer Rod Vibrator Medical Bioactive Compounds cell Disruption

  • 概述

IMG 2744 - Sonicator 20K 2000W Laboratory Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor Homogenizer Rod Vibrator Medical Bioactive Compounds cell DisruptionThe principle of an ultrasonic cell crusher is not too mysterious or complex. Simply put, it is the conversion of electrical energy into sound energy through a transducer. This energy is transformed into dense small bubbles through a liquid medium, which quickly burst and produce small energy, thereby playing a role in breaking down substances such as cells. 超聲波是材料介質中的彈性機械波, which is a wave form. Therefore, it can be used to detect physiological and pathological information of the human body, and diagnose ultrasound. At the same time, it is also a form of energy, which can cause changes in the function and structure of organisms through their interactions when a certain dose of ultrasound propagates within the organism, known as the ultrasound biological effect. The effects of ultrasound on cells mainly include thermal effects, cavitation effects, and mechanical effects.

類型 請HLCSB100 請HLCSB200 請HLCSB300
頻率 20千 赫 20千 赫

20千 赫

權力 100W 200W


Sonicator 20K 2000W Laboratory Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor Homogenizer Rod Vibrator Medical Bioactive Compounds cell Disruption




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