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1khz-500khz High Accuracy Ultrasound Performance Measuring Instrument Ultrasonic Impedance Analyzer

  • 概述

IMG 071320190925 135647 - 1khz-500khz High Accuracy Ultrasound Performance Measuring Instrument Ultrasonic Impedance AnalyzerDigital ultrasound power meter/power meter is a precision instrument designed to provide an accurate method for verifying and calibrating the output of therapeutic ultrasound equipment. It has been carefully designed to accurately measure the output using state-of-the-art microprocessors and strain gauge bridge sensors, providing fast and reliable readings. Durable design and manufacturing, it is compact, portable, and easy to operate.

Product name Sound intensity measuring instrument Numbering
Model PLS-SYJ100 Date of inspection
Testing base Enterprise production specification Detection parameter The test sound intensity is 0.8W/cm², which meets the factory requirements
Test equipment parameters 频率: 千 赫, Power: KW.
Test items Sound intensity meter parameter measurement Conclusion Compliance with the factory-leaving standard of enterprises

1khz-500khz High Accuracy Ultrasound Performance Measuring Instrument Ultrasonic Impedance Analyzer




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