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Multi Tank Heated Gun Parts Ultrasonic Cleaner With Ultrasonic Cleaning Generator Systems

  • 概述

1 19 3 - Multi Tank Heated Gun Parts Ultrasonic Cleaner With Ultrasonic Cleaning Generator SystemsMulti slot ultrasonic cleaning machine is an efficient and environmentally friendly cleaning equipment widely used in various industries, such as machinery, electronics, optics, jewelry, etc. Due to its unique cleaning principle and advantages, multi slot ultrasonic cleaning machines occupy an important position in the cleaning field.


The working principle of a multi slot ultrasonic cleaning machine mainly utilizes the vibration of ultrasonic waves in the liquid to generate strong shock waves and micro jets, thereby achieving the cleaning of the surface of the workpiece. The vibration frequency of ultrasound is generally between 20-40KHz, which has strong penetration and cleaning ability. When ultrasound propagates in a liquid, it produces cavitation effect, which is the formation of small bubbles in the liquid. When these bubbles burst instantly, they generate strong shock waves and micro jets to clean the surface of the workpiece.

Multi Tank Heated Gun Parts Ultrasonic Cleaner With Ultrasonic Cleaning Generator Systems




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