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2000W 28khz Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer Pack With Generator For Bearings And Oil Nozzles Cleaning

  • 概述

IMG 1120 - 2000W 28khz Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer Pack With Generator For Bearings And Oil Nozzles CleaningThe material of high-power stainless steel ultrasonic vibration plate is determined based on the actual acidity and alkalinity, which can ensure production according to customer requirements. The high-power stainless steel ultrasonic vibration plate is installed on the side of the cleaning tank or encapsulated at the bottom of the cleaning tank.

類型 Diamention(mm) 頻率(Khz) 權力(W) 超聲波換能器
PU-UITP300W 300*190*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 300 6
PU-UITP600W 360*275*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 600 12
PU-UITP1000W 450*350*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 1000 20
PU-UITP1200W 470*380*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 1200 24
PU-UITP1500W 520*450*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 1500 30
PU-UITP1800W 560*450*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 1800 36
PU-UITP2000W 650*450*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 2000 40
PU-UITP2400W 740*520*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 2400 48
PU-UITP3000W 820*540*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 3000 60
PU-UITP5000W 1200*590*100 25,28,33,40,80,130 5000 100
OEM Ultrasonic Immersible Transducer PackSize, 頻率,權力)

2000W 28khz Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer Pack With Generator For Bearings And Oil Nozzles Cleaning




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