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Industrial Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Transducer For Spare Parts Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

  • 概述

FullSizeRender41 - Industrial Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Transducer For Spare Parts Ultrasonic Cleaning MachineAnother advantage of a multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducer is that it can achieve simultaneous or alternating output of multiple frequencies. This technology can achieve more efficient cleaning while also improving the accuracy and effectiveness of cleaning. Multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers can simultaneously or alternately output ultrasonic waves of different frequencies, achieving a more comprehensive cleaning effect.


The design and manufacturing of multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers need to consider various factors, such as electroacoustic conversion efficiency, mechanical coupling efficiency, thermal effects, 等. In order to achieve efficient cleaning results, it is necessary to choose appropriate materials and design a reasonable structure. 同時, it is necessary to ensure accuracy and quality during the manufacturing process to ensure the stability and reliability of multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers.

類型 Full length(毫米) weight(g) FR (千赫) impedance(Ω) CP(Pf)±10% power(w)
PT-UT38/80 KHZ P 4 61 330 38/80 <35 4800 50
PT-UT40/100KHZ P 4 54 280  41/100 <50 5200 40
PT-UT50K P4 42 135  50 <35 3200 25
PT-UT28/83/130 KHZ P 4 70 480  28/83/130 <30 5000 30
PT-UT25/45/80KHZ P4 78 540  25/45/80 <30 5000 30
PT-UT33/89/135KHZ P4 60 430 33/89/135 <30 5000 40
PT-UT28/41/123KHZ P4 68 630 28/41/123 <35 6800 60
PT-UT40/80/120K 56 260 120 <35 5400 30
PT-UT28/60/70/84KHZP4(quadruple frequency)60W70K 81 465  28/50/60/70/84 <35 5000 30
PT-UT40/77/100/170KHZ P4 55 270  40/77/100/170 <30 4000 30

Industrial Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Transducer For Spare Parts Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine




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