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Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Ring Transducer Ceramic Element Piezo Cylinder Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Element

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In practical applications, the high sensitivity and fast response characteristics of tubular industrial piezoelectric ceramics enable them to monitor and feedback real-time changes in various physical quantities, such as pressure, vibration, temperature, etc. Significant achievements have been made in the application of tubular industrial piezoelectric ceramics in fields such as industrial automation, aerospace, and medical devices. Meanwhile, its excellent durability and stability also ensure that it can maintain stable performance during long-term opera8 - Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Ring Transducer Ceramic Element Piezo Cylinder Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Elementtion.
The tubular structure of industrial piezoelectric ceramics also brings better heat dissipation performance. In high-temperature environments, tubular structures can effectively disperse heat over a larger area, thereby reducing the risk of material damage caused by thermal stress. This characteristic enables tubular industrial piezoelectric ceramics to maintain good working performance in harsh environments such as high temperature and high pressure.
Tubular industrial piezoelectric ceramics have become an indispensable key material in modern industrial fields due to their unique structure, excellent performance, and wide range of applications. With the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of applications, it is believed that tubular industrial piezoelectric ceramics will play a more important role in the future.

Kiểu Fr(KHz) (k31)% C(PF) d3310-12(CN) Tg(%)
PLS-P51-151110 70±5% 30 4680±10% 500 2
PLS-P51-201615 50±5% 30 9700±10% 500 2
PLS-P51-252115 39±5% 35 12400±10% 500 2
PLS-P51-292520 34±5% 35 19400±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-302518 33±5% 35 14250±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-322820 36±5% 35 21600±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-343020 28±5% 35 23000±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-383225 26±5% 35 21000±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-403237 25±5% 35 24000±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-453925 22±5% 35 25200±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-504425 19±5% 35 28200±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-553930 19±5% 35 33800±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-605430 16±5% 35 41000±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-655930 15±5% 35 44600±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-756716 13±5% 35 20400±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-807420 12±5% 35 36900±10% 550 2
PLS-P51-908420 10±5% 35 52180±10% 550 2

Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Ring Transducer Ceramic Element Piezo Cylinder Tube Piezoelectric Ceramic Element



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