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Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Frequency Transducer For Digital Heated And Timer Ultrasonic Cleaner

FullSizeRender52 - Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Frequency Transducer For Digital Heated And Timer Ultrasonic CleanerMulti frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers are widely used in many fields, such as automotive manufacturing, electronic manufacturing, medical equipment manufacturing, Тощо. In these fields, multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers are used to clean various different objects. For example, in the automotive manufacturing industry, multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers can be used to clean automotive components, engines, Тощо; In the electronic manufacturing industry, multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers can be used to clean electronic components, circuit boards, Тощо; In the medical equipment manufacturing industry, multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers can be used to clean surgical instruments, dental equipment, Тощо.


Multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducer is a new type of ultrasonic cleaning equipment, which has the advantages of high efficiency, wide applicability, and resource conservation. It can be applied to various cleaning occasions and needs, thereby improving cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. With the continuous development of technology and the expanding demand for applications, the application prospects of multi frequency ultrasonic cleaning transducers will become increasingly broad.

Тип Full length(mm) weight(g) FR (khz) impedance(Ω) CP(Pf)±10% power(w)
PT-UT38/80 KHZ P 4 61 330 38/80 <35 4800 50
PT-UT40/100KHZ P 4 54 280  41/100 <50 5200 40
PT-UT50K P4 42 135  50 <35 3200 25
PT-UT28/83/130 KHZ P 4 70 480  28/83/130 <30 5000 30
PT-UT25/45/80KHZ P4 78 540  25/45/80 <30 5000 30
PT-UT33/89/135KHZ P4 60 430 33/89/135 <30 5000 40
PT-UT28/41/123KHZ P4 68 630 28/41/123 <35 6800 60
PT-UT40/80/120K 56 260 120 <35 5400 30
PT-UT28/60/70/84KHZP4(quadruple frequency)60W70K 81 465  28/50/60/70/84 <35 5000 30
PT-UT40/77/100/170KHZ P4 55 270  40/77/100/170 <30 4000 30

Multi Frequency Ultrasonic Frequency Transducer For Digital Heated And Timer Ultrasonic Cleaner



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