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Ultrasonic Electrolysis Mold Cleaning Machine/

30L 1500W Plastic Mould Ultrasonic Electrolysis Mold Cleaning Machine And Ultrasonic Generator

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1 2 - 30L 1500W Plastic Mould Ultrasonic Electrolysis Mold Cleaning Machine And Ultrasonic GeneratorThe mold ultrasonic cleaning machine has multiple advantages and disadvantages., It can efficiently clean the surface of the mold, remove dirt and residues, and improve the quality and lifespan of the mold. Secondly, it has the advantages of environmental protection and time saving, which can reduce manpower and material investment, shorten cleaning time, and reduce costs. In addition, the mold ultrasonic cleaning machine can also improve the accuracy and cleanliness of the mold, thereby improving the quality of the mold ultrasonic cleaning machine products.

Ituaiga Frequency (Khz) Mana(W) Capacity(L)
PLS-MJQXJ-30LTT 28KHZ,40KHZ 1500 30
PLS-MJQXJ-50LTT 28KHZ,40KHZ 2500 50


30L 1500W Plastic Mould Ultrasonic Electrolysis Mold Cleaning Machine And Ultrasonic Generator


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