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3000W High Power Ultrasonic Generator Welding Digital Power Supply For Ultrasonic Welding Plastic Parts Machine

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IMG 7677 - 3000W High Power Ultrasonic Generator Welding Digital Power Supply For Ultrasonic Welding Plastic Parts MachineCharacteristics of industrial ultrasonic plastic welding generator power supply:
1. Efficient and energy-saving: The industrial ultrasonic plastic welding generator power supply has extremely high energy conversion efficiency, which can convert most of the electrical energy into mechanical energy, reducing energy waste.
2. Fast welding speed: Due to ultrasonic welding being a local heating method, the plastic melting time is short, so the welding speed is very fast, improving production efficiency.
3. Good welding quality: Ultrasonic welding can achieve seamless and bubble free welding effects, with high welding strength and no need to add any auxiliary materials during the welding process.
4. Environmental protection and safety: Ultrasonic welding does not require the use of any harmful substances and meets environmental requirements. At the same time, the heat generated during the welding process is small and will not pose a threat to operators.

PU-UG100W 100W 28khz/40khz 110V or220V
PU-UG300W 300W 28khz/40khz 110V or220V
PU-UG500W 500W 15KHz/20khz/28khz/40khz 110V or220V
PU-UG900W 900W 15KHz/20khz/28khz 110V or220V
PU-UG1500W 1500W 15KHz/20khz 110V or220V
PU-UG1800W 1800W 15KHz/20khz 220V
PU-UG2000W 2000W 15KHz/20khz 220V
PU-UG2600W 2600W 15KHz 220V
PU-UG3200W 3200W 15KHz 220V
PU-UG4200W 4200W 15KHz 220V

3000W High Power Ultrasonic Generator Welding Digital Power Supply For Ultrasonic Welding Plastic Parts Machine



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