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Ultrasonic Remove Swimming Pool And Lake Algae Control Green Algae Machine Ultrasonic Algae Control

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IMG 3128 - Ultrasonic Remove Swimming Pool And Lake Algae Control Green Algae Machine Ultrasonic Algae ControlUltrasonic algae removal equipment is a device that uses ultrasonic technology to remove algae and plants from water. With the intensification of eutrophication in water bodies, excessive proliferation of algae and plants can lead to problems such as hypoxia and deterioration of water quality. Therefore, the emergence of ultrasonic algae removal equipment provides an effective method to solve this problem.


The working principle of ultrasonic algae removal equipment is to use the energy of ultrasonic waves to destroy the cell walls and membranes of algae plants, causing them to lose activity and gradually die. Gleichzeitig, ultrasound can also generate tiny bubbles, which will form local high pressure and high temperature in water, further accelerating the death of algae and plants.

Art Macht(W) Radiation range(meter) Power line(meter)
PLS-UAT50W 50W 0-30 5
PLS-UAT100W 100W 0-50 5
PLS-UAT200W 200W 0-70 5

Ultrasonic Remove Swimming Pool And Lake Algae Control Green Algae Machine Ultrasonic Algae Control



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