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Ultrasonic Energy Meter Ultrasound Measurement Ultrasonic Intensity Meter

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IMG 069720190925 135505 - Ultrasonic Energy Meter Ultrasound Measurement Ultrasonic Intensity MeterIn practical applications, industrial ultrasonic cleaning sound intensity measuring instruments can help enterprises optimize and control cleaning processes. By measuring the sound intensity value in ultrasonic cleaning equipment, enterprises can understand the cleaning effect and performance of the equipment, adjust process parameters in a timely manner, and improve cleaning quality and efficiency. At the same time, the instrument can also be used to study the principles and laws of ultrasonic cleaning technology, providing important experimental basis for the development and application of new technologies.


In summary, the industrial ultrasonic cleaning sound intensity measuring instrument is an important industrial cleaning equipment accessory, which can provide accurate ultrasonic cleaning effect and performance data for enterprises, helping them achieve optimization and control of cleaning processes. In the future, with the continuous development of ultrasonic cleaning technology and the expansion of application fields, industrial ultrasonic cleaning sound intensity measuring instruments will play a more important role.

Product name Sound intensity measuring instrument Numbering
Model PLS-SYJ100 Date of inspection
Testing base Enterprise production specification Detection parameter The test sound intensity is 0.8W/cm², which meets the factory requirements
Test equipment parameters Frequency: KHz, Power: KW.
Test items Sound intensity meter parameter measurement Conclusion Compliance with the factory-leaving standard of enterprises

Ultrasonic Energy Meter Ultrasound Measurement Ultrasonic Intensity Meter



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