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Disc ceràmic piezoelèctric/

Disc Piezoelectric Ceramic Element Pzt Ultrasonic Disc Piezoelectric Crystal Piezo Transducer Ceramic

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503 6 - Disc Piezoelectric Ceramic Element Pzt Ultrasonic Disc Piezoelectric Crystal Piezo Transducer Ceramic

Piezoelectric ceramic chips are a special type of electronic ceramic material with piezoelectric effect, which can generate voltage under mechanical force or deform under electric field. Due to this characteristic, piezoelectric ceramic chips are widely used in various fields, such as medical ultrasound imaging, sound sensors, accelerometers, etc.


In the process of making piezoelectric ceramic chips, multiple steps are required. Firstly, it is necessary to choose appropriate materials, such as barium titanate, lead zirconate, etc., which have piezoelectric effects after special treatment. Next, the material powder needs to be prepared into a uniform ceramic slurry through mixing, grinding, drying and other processes for subsequent molding and sintering. During the molding process, the ceramic slurry is coated on the electrode material, and after drying and sintering, it forms a chip. In this process, controlling the thickness, width, and length of the chip is crucial, which directly affects the performance of the chip. Finally, it is necessary to polarize the chip, that is, to generate electric dipoles inside the ceramic under the action of an electric field, in order to obtain a piezoelectric effect.

Specification Dimension
Radial frequency
Dielectric dissipation factortanδ
Electromechanical coupling coefficientKr Mechanical quality factor
PLS-QXJP3030 Φ30×3.0 66.7 2730 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP3530 Φ35×3.0 63 3100 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP3865 Φ38×6.5 59.9 1580 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP4530 Φ45×3.0 50 5100 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP4535 Φ45×3.5 50 4700 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP5030 Φ50×3.0 46 5800 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP5035 Φ50×3.5 46 6300 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500
PLS-QXJP5050 Φ50×5.0 46 4150 ≤0.3 ≤15 ≥0.55 500

Disc Piezoelectric Ceramic Element Pzt Ultrasonic Disc Piezoelectric Crystal Piezo Transducer Ceramic



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