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Handheld Plastic Spot Welder Ultrasonic Spot Welding Machine 35khz 800watt Ultrasonic Spot Welder

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إرسال استفسار

11 - Handheld Plastic Spot Welder Ultrasonic Spot Welding Machine 35khz 800watt Ultrasonic Spot WelderHandheld ultrasonic welding gun (abbreviated as ultrasonic hand welding gun), also known as ultrasonic spot welding machine, can be used for welding thermoplastic materials. The welding head can be replaced according to different welding processes, used for riveting, spot welding, embedding, cutting, الخ. Ultrasonic welding is a fast, clean, and effective assembly process used for assembling and processing thermoplastic parts, as well as some synthetic components. It is an advanced production and assembly technology.

نوع قوة(W) تردد (كيلوهرتز)
PLS-DHJ-300 300W 15KHz/20khz/28khz/40khz
PLS-DHJ-500 500W 15KHz/20khz/28khz/40khz
PLS-DHJ-800 800W 15KHz/20khz/28khz/40khz
PLS-DHJ-900 900W 15KHz/20khz
PLS-DHJ-1000 1000W


Handheld Plastic Spot Welder Ultrasonic Spot Welding Machine 35khz 800watt Ultrasonic Spot Welder



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