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الجمال محول بالموجات فوق الصوتية/

الجمال محول بالموجات فوق الصوتية 60W 40KHZ لإزالة أداة الجمال بقعة الخلد النمش إزالة معدات العناية بالبشرة بالموجات فوق الصوتية

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Ultrasonic beauty transducer is a device that utilizes ultrasonic energy for beauty treatment. It converts electrical energy into ultrasonic energy through a transducer, and then cleanses, massages, tightens, and reduces wrinkles through the skin or direct contact with the skin, achieving beauty effects. The working principle of an ultrasonic beauty transducer is to use the vibration and micro jet effect of ultrasound to deeply clean and massage the skin. Meanwhile, ultrasound can also promote the metabolism of skin cells and the generation of collagen, thereby tightening the skin and reducing wrinkles.


Types and characteristics of ultrasonic beauty transducers:


1. Handheld ultrasonic beauty transducer: This device usually uses high-frequency vibration technology to deeply clean and massage the skin through a handheld massager. Its advantages are convenient portability and simple operation, but its effect is not as good as professional large equipment.

2. Large ultrasonic beauty equipment: This type of equipment usually uses large transducers, which can generate stronger ultrasonic energy and provide deeper cleaning and massage to the skin. At the same time, it can also be used with different accessories to perform different beauty operations, such as cleansing, wrinkle removal, firming, etc. However, the price of this device is relatively high and it needs to be used by professional beauty institutions.

3. Household ultrasonic beauty device: This device usually uses low-frequency vibration technology and is operated through small transducers, which can generate weak ultrasonic energy and is suitable for household use. Its advantages are moderate price, simple operation, and convenient portability, but its effect is not as good as professional large equipment.

الجمال محول بالموجات فوق الصوتية 60W 40KHZ لإزالة أداة الجمال بقعة الخلد النمش إزالة معدات العناية بالبشرة بالموجات فوق الصوتية



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